
How Distributors are Leveraging Technology for Stronger Customer Relationships

Today’s buyer is better at buying than many of today’s sellers are at selling. That’s the harsh reality of the marketplace. With so many options at their fingertips, buyers are looking for companies that not only provide them with the products they need but service them well, too.

At the same time, COVID-19 has intensified the demand for digital options, mobile apps and automated services that serve customers whether a sales rep can be there or not. While we can’t predict the future, research shows customers won’t likely go back to pre-COVID behavior when it comes to digital. Adding to the complexity, more manufacturers are leveraging digital options to go direct to the customer, making relationships more important to your business goals than ever.

Companies that offer responsive self-service tools and value-added services can achieve higher customer satisfaction and retention while improving bottom-line revenue.

With so many companies vying for your customers’ attention, taking care of their needs is paramount to success this year. Many distributors found in 2020 that resisting technology–such as vending and other inventory management tools–hurt them, as social distancing kept them away from customer facilities.

This is the year to embrace tools that can help save customers money and increase their efficiency. Read the full article. 4 Ways Distributors are Using Technology to Catch Up with Savvy Buyers from MDM’s website.

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